October wrap-up// + my birthday, books and NaNoWriMo!!

Copy of why hello there!

Welcome back to my itsy-bitsy corner of the web!  Today’s post is going to be all about how my October went! Let’s get started! Also sorry about this being late!!

October is actually my favorite month! The trees are filled with beautiful colors, the air is fresh and the scents and foods are just amazing!


So October 27 was my birthday! I turned 14 and had a great day! My parents took me out by myself, and we went to this amazing taco restaurant. Then we went to this wacky candy store that had this really cool vintage aesthetic. It was really fun being the only child for the day because since I am the oldest and have three younger siblings, my parents don’t always have the time to focus on me and only me. So it was a great way to spend my birthday without my little siblings causing any trouble. I was still able to spend some time with my siblings once I got home, and my grandma was visiting so it was great!

But the best part was that one of my gifts from my parents was TICKETS TO SEE ANASTASIA!! If you haven’t heard from any of my other posts, I am a huge fan of musical theatre! I am super obsessed and about 89 percent of the things that come out of my mouth are references to musicals. Anastasia was my favorite childhood movie. I have always loved the vivid scenes and beautiful songs. SO I was thrilled to see that it had become a Broadway musical! I am so thankful that my parents bought me tickets to see it! The cast recording sounds amazing, and I am certain that seeing it live on stage will be wonderful.

I think I am seeing it in early February. It feels like a long time, but watching how fast the months have been going by, I don’t think it will be too long of a wait!


(like my new spacer thingy?)


I didn’t read as many books as I would have liked to, but I still think I read some good ones!

Caraval (Caraval, #1) Verify (Verify #1) Opposite of Always Romanov

I also read various graphic novels and some animes!!


I am really excited about Marissa Meyers’s book that just came out! Its the final book in the renegade’s trilogy and I cannot wait to read it!!

Image result for marissa meyer supernova



sanders sides

Sanders Sides is a funny youtube series, that follows Thomas and his wacky personality as they solve every-day problems! My favorite character is Anxiety!

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Recently I have gotten really into writing songs. It’s really calming for me and I feel like I am reaching a whole new creative space. I also feel like it’s my way of communicating with God.


After a bit of procrastination and saving, I finally bought these brush tip markers. They work really well and they have really helped me get back into art. Maybe I’ll do a sketchbook tour or an art dump sometime soon!

graphic novels/ comics

I usually don’t read too many graphic novels or comics, but recently I have and I love how quick they are to read. I also love beautiful art and different art styles, it really inspires me to draw. There’s a really good series called Nutmeg that features these two girls who go on baking adventures!


And now it’s time for some NaNo excerpts!!

SO I’m really behind because I literally got grounded from NaNo (thanks to my tongue that really needs to control itself more) But, I am still enjoying it a lot! MY favorite character that I am writing is Leo, who is a pirate who loves singing with his birds and is a huge hopeless romantic! He rescues orphaned kids and trains them to become friendly pirates like him. Although Leo likes to refrain from bloodshed, he sometimes has to get a bit rough with other pirates. AT first, I was going to make him really tuff and stuff but I failed so now he’s just a soft boy xD

Leo went off to feed his birds. He loved his birds. They had beautiful wings and sung such sweet melodies.

“Good Morning Sunshine’s!” He sang the birds tweeted in response which brought a bright smile to his face.

He let out a soft sigh and walked over to his cabin. He opened the door and walked in, flopping onto his bed. He usually helped the kids clean, but he felt pretty exhausted, considering he had been sailing the ship all night. Although he was surrounded by his kids and his lovely birds, he often felt lonely. He knew it was probably because of all the romance novels he read, but he thought it would be quite lovely to have a wife- or someone to love him. It felt as if no one loved him. He sighed softly as he glanced out his small circle window. Sometimes he couldn’t believe he was a pirate. He acted more like a princess. Singing to birds? Dancing while cleaning? No wonder his father never liked him. He was too happy…? He sighed as he gazed out the window, watching the fluffy white clouds float through the air. 


I also enjoy the other characters I’m writing, but Leo’s my favorite so far!


lets get started to (1)

Did you have a good October? I sure did! What was your favorite thing you read or did last month? Are you excited for November? What are you writing about for NaNo? How is it going so far? 

keep smiling,




its that time of the year again// feat. NaNoWriMo, my OCS and writing memes

so I looked at my calendar and just realized November 1st is six days away.


Copy of why hello there!

Welcome back to my itsy-bitsy corner of the web! So today I have another post about Nanowrimo. (Yes, I am aware that my last post was also about Nano, Sorry I am trying to get back to posting more unique content 🙂 please don’t hate me)

I am really excited for NaNo because I actually came up with a somewhat kind of plot. Usually, I just come up with a title and a book cover and have no idea what the book is going to be about. And then on November 1st I open up a blank Word document and start to panic.

This year I am trying to not only avoid my pAnIc, But I really want to publish a book soon. and I feel like I’m wasting my good characters and somewhat story ideas. So I am trying to take NaNo a little more seriously so I can actually write something I’m proud of, instead of typing a bunch of gibberish just so I can reach my goal.

But, enough of my rambling! Let’s continue the post!

So I guess the big elephant in the room is my nOvEl. What exactly am I writing?

Well, lucky for you I have another rambled sentence that explains my process in coming up with my novel and storyline.

So at first, I was actually going to write a contemporary YA novel about a girl who was homeschooled and some of her ‘struggles’ Because I felt like there were NO YA novels where the main character is just homeschooled. I feel like they are either new to homeschooling or they’re a homeschooler that goes to public school for the first time. And its a bit annoying because sometimes I just want to read a book about a normal homeschooled girl that isn’t a genius and just wants to understand who she is. Because every teenager kind of wants to understand where they belong.

And, I tried to like to come up with a plot but honestly, I wasn’t truly feeling it. If you know what I mean, It’s like something I wanted to write but It wasn’t really something that I loved like. I didn’t feel like I loved the plot or the characters, I just felt as if I was trying to force myself to write something.

But, then one night I had this story idea about a princess and a pirate and a gardener’s son. And I woke up in the middle of the night and I was like YES I AM WRITING THIS FOR NANOWRIMO. I felt really happy, and I developed a bunch of possible storylines and I was just sooooooooo excited.

And, what I have kind of learned these past few years from doing NaNo is that you have to LOVE your story. NaNo is already incredibly challenging so when you write a novel you really don’t like it will be really hard to write that book. And since I’m forcing myself to write a lot of words in 30 days I don’t want to write something I am not truly passionate or interested in.

But enough of that here’s a little more about my nOVELLLLLL *jazz hands*


Swords and Other Secrets

Princess Flora and her brother Fitz have been fascinated by pirates ever since they were young. They spent years, reading books about them and reenacting their battles. But when Fitz disappears, Flora’s world shatters and she is forced to take the place of her brother and become queen on her eighteenth birthday. But, Flora doesn’t want to become Queen, she wants to become a writer. So on the night before her birthday, Flora ventures off on a journey with newfound friends, and some old to find her brother, and to find herself.

I literally just typed that out just now. I’m still working on a synopsis but I’m honestly really excited about my story!

So, unfortunately, I havent made a cover yet because I’ve been having. hard time finding the picture that I want for the cover. But! I made some aesthetics for the main characters!

flora moodboard.png

So this is the mood board/ aesthetic that I made for Flora. She’s the main character and the story is mostly about her. She is a princess who dreams to become a pirate and write stories about her adventures.

jules moodboard

Jules is the royal gardener’s son who is Flora’s childhood friend. Jules dropped his dreams of becoming a botanist, so he could be able to train and become a knight to protect Flora.

leo moodboard

Leo the son of a pirate king, was abandoned and left shipwrecked as a young child. Now, he has fixed his ship and travels to different islands and collects birds and rescues children that were abandoned once like him.

iris moodboard.png

Iris is Flora’s pet cat and best friend. Soon Flora discovers that her cat can talk and knows a little more about her kingdom than she ever thought.

So, those are the main characters that I have at the moment. I have some more characters that I am developing but they probably will just be background characters.

so random interruption but I am really excited because Sunday is my birthday so yay this is my last post as a 13-year-old!!! 

Also, I’m excited because next Friday I will be posting a Q&A but OC addition!!

So if you are interested in asking any of my main characters of this story a question, comment it down below!! It will be featured, and answered in next Friday’s post!!

so ask away!!

The last thing I have for today’s post is writing memes!

I love memes because they are relatable and funny! So I especially love writing memes because writing can often be challenging and hearing jokes about writing takes away the stress. Sooo let’s get started!!

*claps sadly because I relate too much to these memes*

*overthinks about how I should end this post*


Thanks for taking the time to read this (overly long) post! I am so excited about NaNo and I can’t wait for it to start. (I probably will regret saying that once it starts)

lets chat!

are you doing NaNo this year? Ask one of my main characters a question!! Share something about one of your main characters! Let your Main Character ask one of my Mains a question!!

keep smiling,


How I plan during Camp Nano+cute excerpts!

Copy of why hello there!

Welcome back to my itsy bitsy corner of the web! Today’s post is going to be another Camp NaNoWriMo themed post! Nanowrimo is short for National Novel Writing Month (which is in November!) Camp Nano is in spring and encourages you to write! It’s really fun because you can have a cabin with your friends and new friends and have fun writing! So in today’s post, I am going to be showing you guys how I prep daily during NaNoWriMo!

related posts: 

lets get started


So the first thing I do is write the date and my word goal! This way I can look back at my goal later in the day.



After that, I write down what I need to do. Such as where the plot is going, things I want to add into my story, stuff like that!


Then I log in my Word Sprints and write down my goals for them!

(sorry for messy handwriting btw!)

This is a really great way to keep track of your writing and daily goals.

It really helps me when I set daily goals because I feel like I write more than when I don’t set goals!

Now onto the excerpts!

Now, these are going to be pretty cringey and I probably need to edit more but yeah!

+ Pippa climbed out of bed. Her foot pierced into one of her brother’s Legos. “Ugh,” She grumbled under her breath. “LEO I TOLD YOU TO GET YOUR LEGOS OUT OF MY ROOM!” She screamed, a little louder than she meant too. She was getting a little frustrated. She woke up late, stepped on a dangerous object, she was sure the day would only get worse.
Pippa stumbled down the stairs, she was greeted by her two brothers. Leo and Arthur. They were almost like twins, two months apart and looked exactly the same. Plus they both were awfully mischievous. “What trick do you under your sleeves today?”
“Nothing!” Leo grinned. Leo’s full name was Leonardo and he was named after Leonardo Da Vinci ironically he didn’t have any artistic talent and his inventions never were for the better good, they usually lead to Pippa yelling at them.
Arthur, on the other hand, was obsessed with drawing. It was funny but Art actually kind of looked like Arthur, the cartoon anteater, with his circle glasses and yellow cardigan. 
“Sorry guys, I am really moody right now and would love if you guys could move out of the way so I can get something to eat-“
“YOU SHALL NOT PASS. “Arthur mimicked a deep voice.
“Lord of the Rings reference, Nice. But really, can you let me pass so I before I punch you guys.” Pippa smiled a bit.
The boys giggled. Pippa sighed, awaiting a prank or some sort of trick, but surprisingly nothing happened as she walked down into the kitchen. 

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 His trench coat was one of his most prized possessions. Not only was the long black coat comfy, but it was also quite charming and gave him a sophisticated air, which made him feel brilliant. His trench coat was almost like a child’s blankie, a special connection no one really understood. Trenchie (as Virgil liked to call it) was always there for him. There was never a day when Trenchie would let him down. “Come on Trenchie,” Virgil smiled to himself, “Let’s prove those bookkeepers wrong” And with that, Virgil left his humble abode, slamming the door behind him.

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+Virgil sat down at his desk trembling. Being a FictFinder was his life and now he was going to lose it just like everything else he loved. His Parents, His brother. He sighed and pulled out his binder. Nothing was even happening so why did the BookKeepers make such a big deal? Virgil was frustrated, angry and confused. Why was this happening to him? Who was doing this? Somedays he thought his life was a book itself and the bad things happened so that the readers wouldn’t be bored. Is it normal for your brother to die by falling into a pot of disappearance? Virgil sighed again. His brother was his best friend, and he always helped him. If Vincent was here right now he could probably get Virgil out of this mess.
Virgil’s phone beeped and he quickly pulled it out. It was a message from one of the BookKeepers. “Great.” He muttered, almost about to set down his phone and get back to doodling all over his case files, but something sparked in his brain. Maybe he should see what it said. Maybe if he paid more attention he would get to keep his job. Virgil picked up the phone and opened up the message.

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The boy began to walk off.
The boy turned around, looking straight at her.
“i-I uh have a blog if you want to chat with me there. It’s called Bookish Pippa. Then you could maybe tell you more about yourself.” Pippa stammered. “-Only if you want!”
Virgil smiled softly, “I would love that. Bye Pippa.” He waved and walked down the road.
Pippa watched him slowly fade away into the city. Her heart was beating really fast and she felt as if she was dreaming. “Wow.” She gasped. She mounted back onto her bike. This was the first time anything romantic had ever happened to her. It was like a dream
Image result for loading gif
On the Virge: Thanks. Why are you up so late?
PipReads: Bad dreams. Wbu?
On the Virge: I don’t really sleep.
PipReads: Ah, that explains the eye bags
OnTheVirge: very funny
PipReads: What’s up with your name? OnTheVirge?
OnTheVirge: Well it’s kinda an inside joke I made with my brother. I was always just melodramatic and angry as a kid so my brother said on the virge instead of verge
PipReads: Aw that’s cute xD
OnTheVirge: Thanks… I guess?
Pippa was smiling very hard and she didn’t know exactly why.
PipReads: So how was the rest of your day?
OnTheVirge: It was actually horrible. I thought it was going to be good because I met you. But life doesn’t like to make me feel happy. SO right after we met, some random wind came and took away my book and I fell and it started to rain and now somehow I am internet famous and known by the world as a total joke and I have no idea how to get back to my world and this random guy let me stay at his house but he might be a killer.
PipReads: …
PipReads: Wow.
OnTheVirge: Yeah… I mean like my brother got dumped into some weird pot and disappeared, some evil crazy queen is trying to destroy me and I lost my only companion.
Pippa laughed, assuming he was joking. He must have been a huge fan of the BookKeepers. That was basically what happened to the character Virgil.
PipReads: YOu definitely are a BookKeepers fan. You don’t have to hide it I am a huge fan too!
OnTheVirge: ???
OnTheVirge: What even is that?
PipReads: You gotta be kidding me. Its a book series that you described your life after!
OntheVirge: ???
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OnTheVirge: I should probably be getting to sleep. I have a long day tomorrow…
Pippa smiled sadly, she didn’t want him to leave.
PipReads: Okay! I will talk to you tomorrow!
OnTheVirge: Sweet Dreams Pip!
Pippas cheeks warmed as she stared at the message. It was so cute!
PipReads: You too!
Pippa smiled and sat her phone back on her nightstand, dozing off to sleep and dreaming of the boy who had stolen her heart.



And those were the excerpts


this story Idea is something that I love so much PLEASE DO NOT STEAL

AGAIN please do not steal any of my work. If you do I will hunt you down and FITE you

Just kidding guys.


with kindness, of course 😉

XD I am having a blast with these jokes.


I hope these tips helped you if you are struggling to write your novel! They sure did help me! Thanks so much for reading!

lets buzz (4)

Did these tips help? Did you like my excerpts? Are you doing Camp Nano?

ava sign



goodbye october. hello november


welcome back to my itsy bitsy corner of the web! HELLO NOVEMBER aka me trying to write a novel in 30 days and accomplish some stuff


October was an amazing (stressful), fun (painful) and a nice warm month!

I love October (BECAUSE ITS MY BIRTHDAY MONTH YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET) because its such a sweet month (PERFECT FOR READING AND DRAWING HAMILTON FANART) the leaves just fall and fill the autumn air.

But sadly October has to go…


october faves.png

i loved my birthday! it was so cute and so much fun!



yup  i have a “small” obsession.

never mind that

we all know its a HUGE OBSESSION


the giver quartet

da giver

Its a really great series I really recommend!

washiii tape

its really cute


I recently got a penpal AND I LOVE IT!

october faves (1).png

hopefully, that narrows it down xD

october faves (2).png

surviving NaNoWriMo would be a blessing.

Image result for hamilton gifs why do you write like you're running out of time


start a design business and sticker shop

animate more

write a novel

do the hamilton book tag

go see hamilton (BUT IM BROKE… oh I JUST HAVE TO PURSWADE MY PARENTS TO BUY THEM FOR ME) ah its good still living with your parents

start a design business so I can buy Hamilton tickets

cosplay as angelica Schuyler  and allura from Voltron and my oc Cleo

try to accomplish stuff



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the end.

Copy of recapity

october was great and I am looking forward to November!

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📖a messy nano WIP 📝

fall hello

Welcome back to my itsy-bitsy corner of the web, today I am going to talk about a dangerous trial called; NANOWRIMO!!! It’s a writing challenge to encourage budding authors but it usually just leaves me burning in failure because I never plan well enough…😓

Image result for hamilton crying gif



Although I think it is a really great learning experience and kinda fun getting pushed to complete a novel in thirty days!

I am really excited for nano this year because I was planning on writing a novel this year and nano makes me really excited!


I don’t feel comfortable sharing that much info on my novel because I don’t want anything to get stolen! I am still trying to decide on which book cover to use or what look I am going for AND I HAVE NO IDEA HOW THE STORY IS GOING TO FLOW SO OOF

Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of special (1)Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of specialCopy of Copy of Copy of special

If you guys like any of these please tell me! The hint for the book genre is DYSTOPIAN!!

Sooo yeah I am still pretty confused on where my book is going but I am sure I will figure it out somehow! Last year nano was so much fun because I did it in a little club with Tess(blackiesunshine) and some other fun bloggers! I loved it and I hope she hosts that again!! WINK WINK (please Tess host it again ;D)

boook aesthet

I worked reaaaally hard on these and I made only two of the MAIN MAIN MAIN MAIN CHARACTERS!

cleo collage

asher board

YEEEEEEEEEEET! I really hope you guys like them! I did take quite a lot of hard




moving on yo


Asher walked into the room in deep thought, wondering why he was even here. With a sigh, he took a seat in the blank room. Almost like the blank page when you start Nanowrimo on November 1st and you have absolutely no idea what to write.

“Hi there Asher, take a seat! Oh, you already have, never mind then” I smiled, waving at the insecure bean.

“Greetings and Salutations.” Asher nodded, feeling a bit nervous. He had never been in an interview before. He started fidgeting with the zipper on his black trenchcoat. It was getting warm in the room so he started to take it off.

“Uh, have you seen Cleo yet?” I asked, hoping not to frighten the anxious boy.

“No, sorry Miss. I haven’t… I don’t really know who Cleo is…” He mumbled, taking off the rest of his coat and sitting it next to him in the empty chair beside him. Then the door burst wide open and a flurry of a human ran in, obviously a mess. 

“Sorry, I’m Late!” The girl stammered, nearly dropping everything in her hand. She struggled to stand still, wobbling about and trying to regain balance.

I blinked, trying to conceal a giggle at the poor girl. Two anxious younglings in one day. That was different from the usual. “Are you Cleo?” I asked,”I’m Ava and I will be asking you two a few questions.”

“Yeah! I’m Cleo, sorry about the bad introduction, I was pretty busy this morning and…yeah.” She said, finally taking a seat in the blank white chair.

Asher glanced over at the girl and smiled a bit. “Hi, I’m Asher.” The girl nodded at him and softly smiled.

“Alrighty…” I said, biting my lip and looking over my list.”Just to let you both know, you are in the writing hub. Fictional characters that will soon be developed and sent to the other realities or fictional worlds.”

Asher felt quite confused. He never thought that he was fictional, or made up. He had feelings and thoughts and… he most certainly thought he was real. “Soo… we aren’t human like you?”

I sighed, feeling somewhat confused myself. It was hard to explain how stories and characters were made and it wasn’t often talked about. I had no training in this subject. “Uhhh… It’s hard to explain…I don’t even fully know all of the world’s writing secrets. You’d have to ask the creativity master.” I mumbled.

Cleo hadn’t spoken for a while, but her ears perked when she heard of some master. “Creativity Master?” She thought aloud, unsure if she was truly asking a question or not.

“Nevermind that! On with the questions!” I said, quickly scanning through my paper. Maybe I really wasn’t set out for the amazing role as an author, maybe I should just go back to reading books every day.

maybe I should just quit… and stop dreaming

“Ava?” The room is blurry and I hear people calling my name. I blink and open my eyes to the blank piece of paper facing me. Then I look up out the window facing me above my desk and I see a bird. A little yellow bird trying to fly. It falls at first, but then… it soars. The little bird keeps trying and trying until it can fly so high it touches the clouds.

With a smile on my face, I seize my pencil and begin to write. Because just like the little bird, I will teach myself how to fly.

Wow, that didn’t turn out well. 

I mainly posted that because I really wanted to write and I failed. THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS DURING NANO!:P

moving on yo

well that was fun HAH everyone’s nano WIP looks so nice and mine is just AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH

Image result for hamilton crying gif

well. I hope you guys enjoyed me struggling at writing a blog post 😛

lets buzz (3)


Are you doing nano this year? Did you enjoy my hamilton gifs? Do you struggle to write?

thanks so much for reading! have a great day <33


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