// she’s got everything, not everything //


Look at this stuff
Isn’t it neat?
Wouldn’t you think my collection’s complete?
Wouldn’t you think I’m the girl
The girl who has everything?


Hey, welcome back to my corner of the web! Today’s blog post is going to be about me talking about how I feel and almost ranting, but not like an angry rant, just like me talking about something that I feel often, and I am hoping that maybe you can relate to it.


let us start this post.

Isn’t strange, no matter how much you have, you always long for more. Even if it was the best day in your life, there was still one thing that you didn’t do, such as listen to your favorite song or go to that cute antique shop you have been wanting to go to. Somehow that longing, makes you kind of forget about everything you did do, and you just focus on what you didn’t get to do.

its human nature

but that’s, not an excuse

We think that we deserve everything that we get, and if we don’t get it we feel as if we aren’t treated kindly. Like, let’s say your Mom says you can’t borrow any books from the library today, or your Dad won’t let you get the new app that came out. You feel as if they are being unfair. In your mind, you feel as if they owe you it. Now, sometimes this feeling can be subtle and you don’t really care that you can’t get a book from the library or download the app, but there is always something that taunts you, what if a  book that you wanted is on the shelves and you really want to take it home with you, but your mom says no. You probably will feel upset, and bitter. I can understand that. This all may not make sense and, that’s okay, I am just trying something new and I am just sharing my heart and how I feel and I am trying to inspire others to be grateful.

 things we don’t like happen

even though bad things happen, it’s up to you to make the right response.

but that’s hard

it is, but remember that there are so many other people that are going through the same thing. You are not alone.


So I don’t know if this made sense or anything, but maybe if you want we can discuss everything and talk about it. I really want to hear what you have to say and, yeah.

Even though it may seem as if you don’t have everything you want, remember you are blessed. And I think that we should start counting our blessings and stop taking things for granted, we have so much more then we think.


6 thoughts on “// she’s got everything, not everything //

  1. Ava, I have decided not to ask the Lord for anything, but thank Him for everything, because everything I have asked for is already done. Thank you Jesus!

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