gift ideas for the bookish, the dreamers and the ones in between!// blogmas!

Copy of why hello there!

Welcome back to my itsy bitsy corner of the web! I am so excited because today will be my first #blogmas post of the month! I have a bunch of posts coming up soon and I will try my best to be consistent!

Today’s blog post is going to be a Christmas gift guide! Unsure what you want for Christmas or what to get your friends and family? This guide should be able to help! Also, a great way to support me and get gifts you want is to send this post to your family and friends! That way my post gets more views and you can get more of the gifts that you actually want! ( notice my sly marketing aha!)

But, enough of my rambling, let’s get started!!

📖Gifts for bibliophiles and book dragons📖

As the days pass by more and more book dragons (they are like bookworms but more vicious!) are being born. Soon the book dragons will take over the world! Are you a book dragon? Or do you have one in your family? This list should help you out!


📖 books! Now, this may seem like an easy gift, yet there are many ways this goes wrong! Bookish people tend to be picky, so if you are buying a book as a gift for someone, consider there favorite genres or authors. Although I am thankful for any gift, I feel a bit annoyed when someone buys me a random book that doesn’t align with my bookish interests and isn’t written very well. So short story long, if your buying a book for someone, buy a book that THEY would want to read!

📖Barnes and Noble gift card! This is a ridiculously easy gift that any book nerd would love! You don’t have to spend hours picking the perfect book because they can pick it themselves! Plus they can buy more than books including merch, movies and even coffee! It’s a great gift!

📖 Book Merch! There’s only one thing that book dragons like more than books. BOOK MERCH!! Merch, (short for merchandise) is a great gift! Merch can range from coffee cups to backpacks to t-shirts to notebooks! So if there’s a certain book series your book dragon is talking about all the time, consider buying merch for them!

✍🏾Gifts for the aspiring authors✍🏾

Ahh, I don’t have a long intro for this so let’s just dive into the gifts!

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not my photo

✍🏾journals! Every author starts off with an idea, and the best way to get your idea down is to have a journal! When I say journal I don’t mean a basic one from Walmart, I’m talking about a cute journal! You can even make a decorate a random one and collage photos of things someone might like!

✍🏾 Scrivner!  Scrivener is a word-processing program and outliner designed for authors. Scrivener provides a management system for documents, notes, and metadata. This allows the user to organize notes, concepts, research and whole documents for easy access and reference. I’ve never used it, but my dad does and says that it works really well! This is a great gift for a writer who wants to get serious!

✍🏾mugs! Writers love mugs. Mugs store the fuel that helps them write and survive the fictional and real-world! To spice things up, get a cool mug that has a pun or a cute design on it and fill it with their favorite teas, coffees, candies, you name it!

💄Gifts for the fashionistas and beauty gurus💄

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not my photo

💄glossier! Glossier is a popular makeup/ skincare brand that is cute and all-natural (I think) I have only tried there face wash and lip gloss! They have a lot of great reviews and a cute design!

💄a gift card to there favorite clothing store! I highly recommend this over buying clothes for someone! You may not get them exactly what they want, so why not give them a gift card so they can pick out something they really want!

(yeah that’s all I don’t know a lot about makeup and fashion XD)

🎨Gifts for artists🎨



🎨 Ohuhu brush tip markers! Ohuhu markers are great markers for any artist! I love them so much. They recently have come out with brush tip markers! They are inexpensive but have outstanding quality!

🎨 Sketchbooks! Sketchbooks are great gifts! As an artist, I use up my sketchbooks very quickly, so its a pretty nice gift to give!! I recommend Canson XL mixed media sketchbooks, you can use any medium in it!

🎨 Drawing Tablet! This is great for someone who likes to do digital art! DRawing tablets can range from large to small and there are so many inexpensive yet good quality ones on amazon! I recommend the brands Huion and Wacom!

📸Gifts for Bloggers, Vloggers, and Photographers!📸


📸A domain! A domain is a great gift for a blogger! A domain allows the blogger to have a .com url instead of a or a website

📸 a camera! A camera is a great gift! There are so many different types and not all are super expensive! Right now I use a Canon Elph Powershot!

📸 adobe! Adobe is great for editing photos, editing videos and creating designs! Getting an adobe membership is a great gift for content creators!!

🎭 Gifts for the Theatre Geeks🎭

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🎭 tickets to a musical! This is probably the best gift you could ever give to them! Make sure to give them tickets to a musical they would like or have rambled about all day. If its a random musical about birds they might not be pleased!

🎭playbills! playbills are fun to collect and a great gift for a theatre geek! Give them some from there favorite musicals!

🎭merch! From Hamilton T-shirts to custom Hadestown funko pops, there are so many different kinds of merch!

🍿Gifts for Disney fans and Marvel stans🍿

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🍿Funko Pops! Funko pops are cute collectible figures based on movies and tv shows! From Elsa to Darth Vader, you can find a funko pop of almost every character!

🍿 T-shirts! There are so many cool T-shirts that any fangirl (or fanboy!) can enjoy!

🍿 Tickets to a meet and greet! sO they can meet tOm hOlLaNd obviously!


lets get started to (1)

I really hope you all enjoyed today’s post! I’m thinking about posting a part two next week! I hope this helps! Make sure to send this to your friends and fam!

Did you see anything on this list that you liked? What do you want for Christmas? What’s your favorite holiday snack?

keep smiling! ava!!🌻



10 Ways to Spread the Love This Holiday Season

Welcome back to my itsy-bitsy corner od the web! I am shocked by how fast the year went by and I can’t believe that next week is Christmas! YAYYYYYY!!

Christmas sometimes gets busy, and while everyone is bustling getting gifts, they forget the true meaning of Christmas. Jesus and Love!

Sometimes people are so busy getting gifts for their loved ones, they are mean to others, even their loved ones!

So here’s a little post with a few ways showing you how you can spread love in this season!

1. Hot Choco

Everyone loves hot chocolate, so why not give some of the warm drink to a cold person! Buy some disposable coffee cups with lids, a multi-cup carrier, and make some hot chocolate. Deliver it to folks working outside or to anyone else who needs to feel the warmth of the season.

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2. Yummy Gratitude

Bake a pie or something yummy and drop it off at your local firehouse or police station on Christmas Day. Those guys and gals working our streets don’t get the holidays off!

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3. You’ve got a friend in me

Invite a lonely neighbor or friend over for dinner. Not all of us are fortunate enough to spend Christmas with family—but no one should spend it alone. Consider inviting them over 😀 ( and if you’re a kid, ask your parent’s first xD)

4. Operation Christmas Child

Operation Christmas Child is an amazing experience! We’ve been doing it every Christmas. To learn more go here!

5. Gift an experience you can enjoy with a loved one.

Another alternative to waiting in long lines at department stores and risking your present being tossed in the trash is gifting an experience that you and your loved one can enjoy. Like taking your beloved daughter to see Hamilton with the original Broadway cast with a backstage pass so she can hug all her smol beans and say hi to all the Hamilton people and start crying while hugging them and showing them fanart she made. *wink* mom. *wink* dad.

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6. Smile More

Simply just smiling at a person can make their day. Sadly in this world now, people aren’t used to smiles. Because whenever I smile at random people they think I’m weird. But, if more people smile it will become normal again! So smile and ya never know, maybe you’ll build an amazing friendship!

7. homemade from the heart

Homemade gifts may not be as fancy as flashy storebought gifts. But homemade presents are made from the heart and are cherished forever.

8. Kindness Counts

You would think it’s easy to be kind during the holiday season. But sometimes even the best of us become scrooges. We take a lot of things for granted. Like food, or even having the money to buy gifts. So remember to think about the others going through hard times. Be kind. Do one kind thing for a person instead of trying to change the whole world.

9. Forgive

There’s no better time to show forgiveness toward someone who has wronged you than today. Christmas should be a reminder about all that Jesus has done for us and how we can exemplify Him through our actions.

10. Love

Loving others may sound clique and the word love may be overused. But truly love others this season. Spread joy and merriness (is that even a word?) and smile.

lets jingle (1)What can you do to spread the love this holiday season?

ava sign

introducing! + goals for december


Welcome to my itsy-bitsy corner of the web! If your one of my regular smol visitors then you might have noticed something different about my blog.

Elysian Artiste has now become a .com blog! I am really excited about the upgrade. There are so many cool features and things I can do with WordPress now!.
I have a bunch of new features I am really excited to show you guys.

Like an art video!

Isn’t that super cool?! Every other Friday I am planning on making a video post. A post that has a video to go with it!

Also, I am going to have a giveaway really soon as apart of a launch for a super special project I am working on that I can’t wait to show you guys!


enter abby’s write Christmas contest ( IT LOOKS REALLY COOL!)

enter clara’s Christmas photography contest ( yayy)

work on my super duper project

launch my project and launch giveaway

get arcs ( I NEED ARCS)

make hamilton book tag post

review more books

monetize my site and make money

host a contest

do something Christmasy

try to do blogmas then realize I’m too busy

make a clarinet post (YESS I play the clarinet!)

not freak out at band recital

finish creating designs for youth group at church

learn how to play more songs on the piano

I am screaming right now because tomorrow IS DECEMBER! What happened to the new years?! THE WHOLE YEAR DISSAPEARD! before you know it IT WILL BE CHRISTMAS!

November has been a pretty great month and I am excited for what lies ahead in December!


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Are you excited for the new things coming to my blog? What are your goals for December?! Are you excited for Christmas?

thanks for reading!



//10 reasons why you should smile more often//


il_fullxfull.1076156844_dsphWelcome back to my corner of the web!

Today I am going to talk about smiling.

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A smile is a simple expression that can not only make you feel happier, but it can also make the world a happier and brighter place. Today I am going to share ten reasons why you should smile more often and how smiling can help others around you.

1Smiling is contagious.

Smiling is very contagious, whenever I see someone smile, I always feel the urge to smile back at them. When I smile at others, most of the time they smile back. When you smile at someone, it gives them a surge of joy and makes them feel happier.

dIt boosts your immune system: Smiling really can improve your physical health, too. Your body is more relaxed when you smile, which contributes to good health and a stronger immune system.


d (1)Smiling Relieves Stress

Stress can permeate our entire being, and can really show up in our faces. Smiling not only helps to prevent us from looking tired, worn down, and overwhelmed but can actually help reduce stress. Believe it or not, smiling can reduce stress even if you don’t feel like smiling or even know that you’re smiling! When you are stressed, take the time to put on a smile. You and those around you will reap the benefits.

d (9)Smiling helps you get over your mistakes.

The next time you make a mistake, smile, and laugh it off. Its much better than getting angry with yourself and it helps you stay in a positive mind zone.

d-2.pngIt’s easier to smile than to frown: Scientists have discovered that your body has to work harder and use more muscles to frown than it does to smile.


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Smiling builds relationships. It bridges the gaps between us:                                                 When you smile it draws others closer to you and it’s easier to make friends. No one wants to sit next to someone who is glaring at them. The next time you see someone, turn that frown upside down!



Smiling improves your chance of success. People who smile more think better, are positive, are more likely to tackle new goals and have more opportunities to advance than those who don’t. In short, that often leads to more success.


Smiling helps to show you know God is in charge. We all face troubles in this world, but even in the face of loss and tragedy we can have hope. (1 Thess 4:13) Choosing to smile helps remind you, and others, that your God is big enough to handle it all.

d (7).pngSmiling encourages others.

When you smile, it in encourages others to do their best. It’s like saying “You’ve got this!” It makes them feel important and special, and no matter what they are going through it always makes them feel better.

d-8-e1513617222252.pngSmiling is beautiful

You could be the most beautiful person in the world, but if you’re not wearing a smile, its nothing. Smiling is more attractive than makeup and pretty clothes. A smile is beautiful, loving, caring, kind, tender, forgiving, encouraging and amazing.

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No matter who you are, what you look like, where you are, remember that you are loved by a king, so keep on smiling and wearing your invisible crown because you are beautiful and wonderful and AWESOME in every way!

Happy Holidays!Lets Scribble.png

What makes you smile? What is your favorite way to share love during Christmas?

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