it’s almost the roaring twenties again!// feat. end of the decade book tag and more rambles

So I just looked at my calendar and realized that in two days the decade is over. It was literally just January first and all I wanted to do was blink and now its almost twenty flipping twenty!

Copy of why hello there!

Welcome back to my itsy-bitsy corner of the web! Once again I am sorry for my inconsistent posting, I kinda have a bittersweet relationship with my blog. Some days I am in love with it and I would write posts all day and other days I just feel burdened by it xD

But enough of my rambling! I have a lot of stuff planned for this post that will hopefully be interesting and fun so let’s get started!


the 2010s. The decade of Vine, and memes and oK bOomEr and more awesome stuff is ending. It actually doesn’t make sense like all of a sudden I’m panicking and wondering how this happened so fast. GUYS I’M A LITTLE SCARED TIME IS GOING BY WAY TOO QUICKLY.Image result for panic gif

now let’s talk about boOOooOOOoooOOOooks!

^_^ end of the decade book tag ^_^

I found this tag on youtube and thought it would be fun to do! (SINCE THE WHOLE DECADE IS ENDING AND STUFF!) Let’s get started!

1. favorite book/ series of the decade

I have enjoyed so many great series throughout the decade and it’s so hard to choose! I think my top two would be the Lunar Chronicles and The Chronicles of Narnia! I also really enjoyed the Grisha series!

2. book that has impacted your reading the most

I’m not really sure! So many books have impacted me a lot so its really hard to remember which ones truly stood out. I think maybe Darius the Great is Not Okay, or Operation Beautiful.

3. book you recommended the most

Ahhh I don’t know! Once again there are so many books that I have read and loved that I am uncertain which ones to recommend xD! I think maybe Darius the Great is Not Okay!

4. prettiest book of the decade

What’s up with all the hard questions OMG. There are so many pretty covers that I can’t name them all but my top three are Finale, Cress, and Six of Crows!

5. favorite author of the decade

This is soo hard! There are so many amazing authors and it’s incredibly hard to choose my favorite because I adore all of there writing styles and the way they build their worlds and develop their characters. I think my favorite is probably Marissa Meyer. She has inspired me to write so much and I adore her world-building and her characters!


6. a book(s) you want to read before the end of the decade

Welp, I achieved my goal of reading 100 books this year so I think I am pretty much-done reading!

7. a genre you hope to

I want to try to read more non-fiction. As much as I adore fiction, reading too much fiction has given me a lot of unrealistic ideals and has become a huge outlet of procrastination and avoiding things I need to get done and get over. I hope that reading more non-fiction will help me appreciate the world a bit more instead of getting jealous of or falling in love with fictional characters

8. reading plans for the end of the decade

I don’t really have many!

9. reading plans for the new decade

I hope to start book journaling and keeping track of everything I read. I want to kind of write down important parts or quotes from books so I don’t forget them! I want to try to read 150 books in 2020 and try my best not to reread books but actually read new books outside of my comfort zone.

10. habits you’re leaving behind in the 2010s

Comparing myself to others. Negative thinking and negative thoughts about myself. Procrastination and self-loathing.


^_^ some goals for 2020 ^_^

  • blog more consistently
  • think more positively
  • act friendlier
  • stop having huge crushes and focus on building friendships
  • stop worrying
  • exercise more
  • finish and publish a book
  • learn guitar
  • act in a musical or play
  • start a buisness
  • start a youtube channel
  • try getting a job
  • draw more
  • make more friends
  • spend more time with God
  • read my bible more
  • stop falling in love with random people
  • make my dreams come true

lets get started to (1)


The 2010s was a huge decade for me! I have gone through and accomplished so much. I’ve had ups and downs, made friends and made frenemies, made choices good and bad.
I am so excited about 2020 and the years that come after. I can’t wait to see the things in store!

What are some things that you have done this year? What are your goals for 2020? What are you the most excited for?

4 thoughts on “it’s almost the roaring twenties again!// feat. end of the decade book tag and more rambles

  1. Ugh. I can’t believe this decade is ending. It used to feel so long thinking of reaching 2020. Good luck with achieving your goals.


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