five feet apart book review// feat. laughter, tears, and fluff

two kids, chilling in a hospital, five feet apart so they won’t dieee

(sorry I had to)

Copy of why hello there!

Welcome to my itsy bitsy corner of the web! Today I am going to be reviewing this amazing book called Five Feet Apart.


Five Feet Apart

RATING: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

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Genre: Contemporary, YA, Romance, Illness

*triggers: death, some language, mental illness, illness, sadness*

Published November 20th, 2018 by Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers

“…Don’t think about what you’ve lost. Think of how much you have to gain. Live, Stella.”

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This book broke me. It whipped my back in half and shattered my heart. I was expecting a happy ending and I got a sad one. This book made me cry, and not many books do that.

The story is about a girl named Stella and a boy named Will that has a condition called Cystic fibrosis (CF)

Cystic fibrosis is a progressive, genetic disease that causes persistent lung infections and limits the ability to breathe over time. In people with CF, mutations in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene cause the CFTR protein to become dysfunctional.
People with CF have to be at least six feet apart from other CFers or they could catch the bacteria and die. But of course, Stella and Will fall in love, which leads to a lot of distress for the readers.
Since the movie came out I decided to read it! It’s such an amazing book and I really recommend it for anyone who wants a sweet and sad read.

⭐Meet the Characters⭐

Stella: Stella is a smol and adorable girl who has CF. She is very positive and makes no second thoughts about taking her medicine and doing her treatments. She makes vlogs to help her stay content with her not so exciting life. All that changes when Will comes along.

Image result for five feet apart gifs


Will: Will is an edgy risk-taking artsy boyo that might as well wear a trenchcoat. He doesn’t care at all about taking his medicine or doing his treatments. He’d rather just die instead of living in the constant pain of his illness, but when he meets Stella everything changes.

Related image

(his hair tho, its beautiful)


Poe: Even though Poe is a background character, he still is a pretty great character. Sadly his story ends near the end of the book (my poor boy.) Poe is one of Stella’s CF friends. He and Stella are like siblings.

(couldn’t find a gif for Poe sorry)

“but it’s his smile that catches my eye more than anything else. It’s lopsided and charming, and it has magnetic warmth to it.”

⭐things I loved⭐

⭐I loved the writing style. It really seemed like it was a real teenager and it didn’t seem forced or stereotypical. I really felt like I could feel all the characters feelings.

⭐I adore the cover! It’s so beautiful the way the flowers form lungs. I JUST LOVE IT!

⭐will and Stella: they were just so adorable. It makes me so sad that they couldn’t be together. :C

⭐ Abby: Abby is Stella’s sister and she is so sweet *spoiler*  s h e  di e s

⭐ literally almost everything
⭐ will: aka cole sprouse ( in the movie)

⭐things I didn’t love⭐

⭐ the sad ending

⭐ poes thead (read backward if you want to find out the spoiler)

⭐ the sadness

⭐Some people said that it didn’t truly show what CF is and I can understand that it’s not that accurate

⭐ how the authors killed me with their writing

⭐literally almost nothing

⭐final thoughts⭐

this is an adorable book about two kids chilling in a hospital five feet apart so they won’t die. It’s beautiful and amazing. Even though the ending is sad, it’s still a great book.

I recommend this book to anyone who wants to read a soft and adorable book.

lets buzz (4)

Have you read Five Feet Apart? Have you watched Five feet apart? Would you rather own Cole Sprouse or This book?

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12 thoughts on “five feet apart book review// feat. laughter, tears, and fluff

  1. tWo bRoS cHiLlInG iN a hOt tUb i’m like dying at all the vine references. rip vine
    this book looks super sweet and i’m glad you liked it! may have to check it out ^w^

    Liked by 1 person

  2. i’ve watched the film and just finished the book, both in which i cried. a lot. basically everyone in the cinema was crying and i started sobbing when i read the book, but other than that, i love it! 🌸✨

    Liked by 1 person

  3. aah my fave book ever, I have a thing for sad romantic books, I thought after the fault in our stars it couldn’t get more upsetting, but hey, 5 feet apart required tons of tissues! great review loved this post x

    Liked by 1 person

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