whats in my pencil case+study tips

Copy of why hello there!

welcome to my itsy-bitsy corner of the web! today’s post is going to be all about stationary and studying! lets get started

Wasn’t that video pretty cool? I filmed it with my new camera! Now, let’s move onto some study tips.


✧ turn off your phone

when studying, having devices nearby can be very distracting. Turn off all nearby devices or block notifications, that way you have your undivided attention on what you’re studying.

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✧ take a break

Always take a break if it is getting frustrating. the breaks should be no longer than 10 minutes. When taking a break I recommend working on a subject that is easier or more interesting for you, that way you are still being productive and getting work done.

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✧ have snacks nearby

I recommend having a light snack and some water nearby, that way if you get hungry you won’t have to disturb yourself. It also can help you study better if you have more energy.

Image result for aesthetic study pictures    Image result for aesthetic study pictures


Speak Out Loud Instead of Simply Reading

Although this may make you look a little crazy, give it a go! You will be surprised how much more you can remember when you’ve said it out loud. This really helps me a lot I don’t know why but it does! Warning: Don’t try this in a crowded library!

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✧chew gum

studies show that chewing gum can help you stay focused for longer. so choose a nice flavor and try it out!

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✧ have fun!

studying can be lots of fun. you can use cool markers and highlighters to make your study pages look really cool to look at! Always end on a good note, if you were struggling with one of your assignments, end by working on something you enjoy!

lets buzz (4)

I hope you guys all enjoyed today’s post! do you like to study? how was the video?

ava sign

24 thoughts on “whats in my pencil case+study tips

  1. Honestly, reading out loud is sooooo helpful. Especially when you have more dense reads, with a lot of academic jargons, I feel like I’m only able to fully understand it if I’m reading out loud.
    If I had to share any study tips myself, I’d say to worry selectively about making your annotations perfect. When I was taking notes on class, I’d never worry about whether they were aesthetically pleasing or not, because I’d find too hard to keep up with decorations and my teacher’s speed. But when I got home, I’d transcript some of those annotations into study notes and then I could be as extra as I wanted – highlights, stickers, gel pens, etc. It also helps with your concentration on class, since you can focus more in the teacher rather than making your notebook look pretty.
    Great post, Ava! ✨

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Same! Thats exactly what i do. I use note cards and scribble everything down then neatly write everything down in my note book after class. Thank you! You literally are the sweetest

    Liked by 1 person

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