book character aesthetics

why hello there!

Welcome to my itsy-bitsy corner of the web! A few days ago I started making collages for my favorite book characters and it was really fun! I wanted to share them with you all! They kinda are like aesthetic mood boards. Let’s get started!

anne of green (1)

Anne of Green Gables series has been a part of my life since I was very young! I loved Anne’s imaginative spirit! I love how this board turned out!


I made Ky and Cassia from the Matched series. I really recommend the series!

jane eyre (1)

this is a board of Jane Eyre, from Jane Eyre!


and Last, winter and cress from THE LUNAR CHRONICLES! I love how all these boards came out!

lets buzz (2)

Did you guys like the aesthetics? Which one was your favorite? what other characters should I do?

signing off (1)



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